Brags & Such

Brags & Such (2)

We have had a couple of "Firsts " in Europe.

Organized the First ASCA trial in Europe. 2003

First Working Trial Champion in Europe ( 2003 ) JJ Stinger

First WTCH in Europe only trialed in Europe. JJ Skip ( 2004)

First Hall of Fame dams in Europe. Pincie Creek Red Bear and Lightfoot Sis of Pincie Creek

First Hall of Fame Sire in Europe. Pincie Creek Cowboy

Youngest WTCH in Europe. JJ Betsey finished at 25 months old.

First dogs to be invited to finals. JJ Stinger 2005

First dog from Europe to compete at finals. JJ Betsey 2006

First WTCH in Switserland is sired by our Cowboy. ( Thanks Raphaelle Hisschier)

First WTCH in Denmark is JJ Chip. ( Thanks Milene Hansen)

First Hall of Fame dam born in Europe. JJ Skip 2007

First WTCH in Belgium. JJ Paulus Gringo ( Thanks Paula Brughmans)

First Post advanced sheepdog in Europe. JJ Betsey

First WTCH X in the world:  JJ Betsey

First AHBA Champion Aussie in Europe ( Bozo)

First Stockdog Kennel of Excellence in Europe




choterlandseweg 42
8412 TA

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